Bye Bye Barnes & Noble!

Well, my hubby wanted two books this weekend.  A quick trip to to see if the books were at our local store and off we went.  The books were not only available, they were on sale 50% off (WOW).  He was searching for Salmon Khan’s “The One World Schoolhouse” –B&N online price was $15.74 instead of $26.99 (41% discount).  Ok, that sounds fantastic!  Next book was “Makers: The New Industrial Revolution” by Chris Anderson $26.00 for $13.98 (46% off) ONLINE! 

Would be really great if the “Store and online prices may vary.” was at the TOP of the online page and would be even BETTER if they honored their own ONLINE PRICE in their local stores!  We have had a B&N membership for so long I can’t remember when we got one.  This is the first year we didn’t renew it because of a BAD ONLINE shopping experience I had with them this summer :0(

Oh well, read the FINE print and don’t expect customer service…this is TWO bad experiences this year…once in a while, ok, I get that…but two in less than 6 months???  Nope, will take my business elsewhere.

Asked the Manager in store and was simply told, “that’s the ONLINE price only”…

Had an opportunity to step up and keep me as a customer…guess, they have enough customers already…will shop for books from now on (they have yet to disappoint me in over 10 years of  being a customer).  If Amazon doesn’t have it, guess I’ll give Half-Price Books a try.

Sure hope Dan enjoys the books!